Time for a new printable card. This card that is aimed at those you know who are expecting or just have had a child. The Card is in the form of a baby body or onsies, the card is available in both blue and pink. Absolutely free, just download the template by clicking the link below. Then it’s just a mattter of print, cut and assemble.
Halloween DIY Party Fun Pack
Halloween is approaching and many are decorating their homes on this holiday or preparing for a halloween party. Here you have a papercraft bundle that you can use, whether you just want to decorate your home or whether you should arrange a Halloween party. Package includes place cards, pennants and puppets. Just download the templates by clicking the link below. Then it’s just a matter of print, cut and assemble!
DIY Superhero Gift box
Superheroes are more popular than ever, perhaps especially amongst children. Why not make your child and friends extra happy, combining superheroes with something sweet like candy. That’s exactly what can you do with these superhero gift boxes. Completely free to download and comes in the shapes of Spiderman, Iron Man and Captain America. Simply download the file by clicking the link below. Then is just a matter of print, cut and assemble.